Just-in-Time, Comprehensive Professional Development
is now available for schools that adopt the Career Choices series curriculum for their Get Focused Stay Focused program. Because we all learn differently and have unique time constraints, there are a variety of online professional development options to choose from.
Self-Directed Study & eCourses
You no longer have to wait for a scheduled event to get started with your course or program. With these tried-and-true online self-directed study options, you can be up and running quickly with a dynamic program that will change the lives of your students.
Online Facilitated Workshops via Zoom
When unable to attend an in-person workshop or conference, virtual workshops offer an equivalent level of professional development content. These sessions not only save time by eliminating the need for travel but also provide a convenient platform for trainer-led workshops. Participants can efficiently learn, ask questions, and engage in dialogue with others, making virtual workshops and webinars a valuable alternative for high-quality professional development.
Technical Assistance Coaching Package
In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, ongoing technical assistance is more critical than ever. The Technical Assistance Coaching Project presents a groundbreaking solution—offering low-cost, high-quality support to educational institutions, particularly during the crucial first year of implementing a new school-wide program.
Online Resource Centers
Designed for instructional excellence, these best practice platforms allow instructors to focus on their students and deliver an educational experience that will change their lives.
Professional Development Resources
As you tailor your professional development plan, the following resources will be invaluable. To streamline your process and make your job easier, don't hesitate to reach out to our professional development team at (800) 967-8016 for assistance.