In this hands-on computer lab workshop, participants explore an academically-based curriculum successfully teamed with online activities using Careerchoices.com, My10yearplan.com® and Lifestylemath.com.
These onsite workshops are designed so participants will discover:
- The characteristics of optimal online learning opportunities
- A replicable model for enhancing Career Choices lessons with the Internet's rich resources
- Classroom techniques for managing and monitoring computer lab sessions
- Effective strategies for incorporating the most popular business-based software into Career Choices classes
- Proven methods for creating meaningful, real-life, real-world projects critical to the maturation process of adolescents
- Effective ways to add "high touch" (collaboration, group learning, discussion and project-based learning) into the "high tech" classroom
- Strategies to engage, enrich, and excite their students
- How to set up, manage and maximize your schools use of My10yearplan.com®
Participants will explore:
- Successfully teaming the Career Choices textbooks with online activities
- Strategies to improve reading, writing, and math by teaching academic skills in real-world context using the Internet
- Proven methods for integrating career exploration into core academic subjects using both textbooks and the Internet
- How to use the free online resources available for college choice and career choice found on www.careerchoices.com
- www.my10yearPlan.com® and come away with the skills and knowledge to infuse its use throughout the school.
- www.lifestylemath.com, personalized math program where calculations can be checked online
- Several Internet-enhanced project-based learning experiences
For more information, contact Tanja Easson at (800) 967-8016 or email tanja@academicinnovations.com. |