Course Description:

Studies show that revisiting and upgrading future plans is vital to continued student success, which is why the Freshman Transition Initiative recommends the annual updating of students' 10-year Plans. This institute will provide guidance on implementing the
Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Modules and, to help ensure the long-term success of your efforts, this eCourse will also provide strategies for securing the necessary buy-in, both at the school level and the community level. You'll come away with an action plan to streamline your planning and implementation. These modules are the "Stay Focused" portion of the
Get Focused...Stay Focused!v program developed at Santa Barbara City College. They meet the Freshman Transition Standards developed at The George Washington University. The adoption of the complete
Get Focused...Stay Focused!® curriculum is a scalable, cost-efficient program that ensures that students will graduate with a carefully-considered career path, an
informed major or program of study, a post-secondary institution or training program that not only matches their career and life goals but is affordable, and a
Skills-Based Education Plan that facilitates successful entry into a highly competitive workforce. Upon completion of this eCourse, participants will develop a plan for their school or district with the knowledge and skills to implement this progressive program in their districts and regions.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this eCourse, participants will:
- Understand the scope and sequence of the Follow-up Modules and how to effectively integrate them into academic courses.
- Integrate course strategies that meet the fidelity standards outlined in the Performance Pledge
- Understand the online 10-year planning process using® in order to be able to orient all school personnel on its use.
- Develop an implementation plan that effectively integrates the Follow-up Modules into the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.
- Strategize and deliver the necessary “buy-in” activities for a school or district in order to organize campus personnel for support and implementation of the school-wide program.
Who would benefit from this eCourse?
- Your school's GFSF Coordinator/Administrator
- Your school's Career Choices Lead Teacher
- Instructors preparing to implement the Get Focused...Stay Focused!® follow-up process
- Teaching teams already using Career Choices and exploring the Get Focused...Stay Focused!® follow-up process
With your registration you’ll receive:
Texts or Materials:
Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Program and Instructional Manual
- Instructor’s and Administrator’s Guide for Career Choices and® 8th Edition 2020
- Career Choices and Changes
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 1 Workbook
- Developing Attitudes and Aptitudes to Promote College and Career Readiness
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 2 Workbook
- Determining Your Informed Major and Post-Secondary Education Path
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 3 Workbook
- Preparing to Act on Your 10-year Education and Career Plan
- Possibilities—A Supplemental Anthology to Career Choices
- Lifestyle Math—Your Financial Planning Portfolio
Online Course Materials and Platforms: