Course Description:

This eCourse is for college instructors, guidance department chairs, deans, and administrators charged with developing strategies to keep students in college and completing in a timely fashion. Using the
Career Choices and Changes workbook and®, discover a cost-effective way to develop a hybrid, classroom-based, first-year guidance course that teaches students a quantifiable decision-making process that will help them envision and plan for a future that is productive, achievable, and stimulating. The resulting online, personalized career and education 10-year plan provides the focus and intrinsic motivation to succeed in college, at work, and in life. In addition, learn how this online 10-year career and education plan can be used by all campus staff for in-depth advisory functions and academic coaching. You'll discover how to create buy-in and provide the professional development necessary for all stakeholders. You'll leave with a plan for developing and then implementing a first-year experience course that will get the results you require to meet state and accreditation requirements, while at the same time requiring minimal resource allocation.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this eCourse, participants will:
- Implement the Student Success/Freshman Transition/First-Year Experience course with fidelity.
- Develop a comprehensive lesson plan and pacing guide for your course.
- Understand the online 10-year planning process using® in order to be able to orient all campus personnel (counselors and instructors) on its use for advising and academic coaching.
Topics include:
- An overview of the curriculum
- An understanding of the pedagogy and the research behind this course
- How to use the seven key resources for classroom success
- Discover the 12 classroom tips for instructional success
- Review of the online Instructor's Resource Center
- Understanding® Interactive and its management
- Learn about the unique Skills-Based Education Plan
- How to use® for academic coaching and advising
- Course assessment and grading strategies
Who would benefit from this eCourse?
- Instructors of College or Student Success Courses
- First-year Experience or Freshman Seminar Coordinators
- Instructors of Career or Life Planning courses
- Dean of Student Services/Affairs
- Department of Chairs for Counseling
- Administrators responsible for college completion rates
With your registration you’ll receive:
Texts or Materials:
- Instructor’s and Administrator’s Guide for Career Choices and® 8th Edition 2020
- Career Choices and Changes
Online Course Materials and Platforms: (provided)
- Online license to The Instructor’s Resource Center
- Special participant license to the online Academic Innovations University. Access the site using the login
information. This will allow you to create your own username/password.
- License to® Interactive teacher account
- License to a® blank student account
- PTA account (a populated account) with no deadline