Course Description:

One of the most unique features of the
Get Focused...Stay Focused!® program is the availability of the online career and education 10-year Plan created in®. This portable plan affords every instructor and counselor in your school the opportunity to understand—in a matter of minutes—the dreams, goals, and plans of each student with whom they come in contact. The comprehensive guidance component of the
Get Focused...Stay Focused!® program model includes two opportunities for the advisory process:
- Strategies for counselors when guiding students on their best educational path or intervening with personal issues
- Academic coaching strategies for instructors when helping students tackle educational and coursework challenges
In this eCourse, you will gather strategies and ideas that will transform the way you work with your students. In addition, you'll learn about the process to create a unique Skills-Based Education Plan that will ensure students are not only college ready but, just as important, career ready with the skills to compete for jobs in their chosen career or industry.
Learning Outcomes:
For advisory situations to function at the highest level, instructors, counselors, and advisors need quantitative information about each student as it relates to their education and career goals. The best guidance is provided when support is based on specific examples, rather than from general or vague notions about the student. If advice and mentoring is based on each student’s identifiable career and education goals along with lifestyle expectations, it has more meaning. By having this information online using®, all appropriate stakeholders can quickly access this in-depth information, providing individual guidance easily and efficiently. In this eCourse, educational leaders will learn the strategies and procedures to formalize this process on their campuses.
At the conclusion of this eCourse, participants will:
- Understand the importance and strategies of distributive guidance.
- Use the online 10-year Plan to motivate students to higher academic achievement in academic coaching, advising, and counseling settings.
- Access® to assist in the advisory and academic coaching functions on school campuses.
- Present capacity-building activities to all personnel within a school on the use of students’ 10-year Plans for advisory purposes and academic coaching.
- Present information at parent or community meetings on the use of the 10-year Plan to help children not only stay in school but transition to the workforce as self-sufficient adults.
As state systems increasingly require education plans for all students early in their tenure (because the research is clear), the school-wide initiative of the Freshman Transition/Get Focused...Stay Focused!® program can transform your freshman retention, graduation rates, and campus culture.® provides an online planning area where students can store, update, and save—for the duration of their time in school—the work and data related to the development of their 10-year plans. Quick and easy to access, it provides data-driven information about each student's future plans. When a student's 10-year plan is online and dynamic, other academic departments can provide opportunities for students to rework and update their plans based on the knowledge students gather in their other courses.
In this eCourse, you'll not only learn how to access the power of this tool for this function but also how to provide professional development to both your guidance staff and academic instructors on techniques for using®. That way, they can personalize their work with students.
The more students are asked to rethink and rework their plans, the more meaningful the plans will become, and the more likely they are to value and strive to meet their stated education and career goals. As they continue to adjust their plans to better reflect their dreams, hopes, and aspirations, they take more ownership.
In addition, as students get in the habit of updating their plans, the more comfortable they get with making decisions that involve change, which in itself is a crucial survival skill in the workforce of the 21st century. Why? Career stability is far less common due to globalization and technological advancements. Knowing how to navigate the ever-changing world of work is crucial. Those that fail to adapt to this new workforce reality could be condemned to a life of subsistence living.
In this eCourse, through reading, watching videos, and working online, you'll learn strategies for the planning, training, and coordination of your academic teams. You'll also prepare for presenting this information to other stakeholders such as parents, employers, or community groups.
Who would benefit from this eCourse?
- Your school's GFSF Coordinator/Administrator
- Your school's Career Choices Lead Teacher
- Counselors at high school and college campuses
- Principals and school site leaders
- District program specialists
- Guidance department chairs and deans
With your registration you’ll receive:
Texts or Materials:
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Program and Instructional Manual
- Instructor’s and Administrator’s Guide for Career Choices and® 8th Edition 2020
- Career Choices and Changes
- Adapted Workbook and Portfolio
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 1 Workbook
- Developing Attitudes and Aptitudes to Promote College and Career Readiness
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 2 Workbook
- Determining Your Informed Major and Post-Secondary Education Path
- Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Follow-up Module 3 Workbook
- Preparing to Act on Your 10-year Education and Career Plan
Online Course Materials and Platforms: